Rainbow Walkway on Coogee Beach To Add New Colours

Rainbow Walkway on Coogee Beach To Add New Colours

The 47-metre-long rainbow walkway on Coogee Beach is set to get a redesign to make it more representative of the LGBTQIA+ community. The project is estimated to cost $20,000 and will see five new colours added to the original installation.

Installed in time for the opening of the Mardi Gras Season last year, the rainbow walkway project was a Randwick City Council initiative in support of Sydney’s LGBTQIA+ community. The curved rainbow pathway covers 200sqm of a section of the promenade and features a special flooring paint that can withstand the elements. And in late September 2021, Council voted for the installation to be a permanent fixture at the Coogee Beach.

Now, a year after they voted to maintain the landmark installation indefinitely, Council unanimously approved a motion to undertake a $20,000 makeover of the 47m rainbow walkway. The initiative is in response to gay rights and advocacy groups’ suggestion for a redesign of the installation that is more representative of the LGBTQIA+ community.

As part of the makeover, the Coogee Beach rainbow walkway will add new colours of black and brown to symbolise people of colour. Pink, baby blue and white, which represent the trans community, will also be added. Moreover, the project cost will include the repainting of the original installation.

  Daniel Quasar-designed Progress Pride flag
Daniel Quasar-designed Progress Pride flag | Photo credit: Paul2520, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Developed in 2018 by non-binary American artist and designer Daniel Quasar, the Progress Pride flag is a reinterpretation of the pride flag which has gone through several iterations. The redesign incorporated the original 1978 multi-coloured design by artist Gilbert Baker and the Transgender Pride Flag by transgender activist Monica Helms designed in 1999.